Clean Air
It looks like the new normal is an extended fire seasons with larger and more intense fires in California. It’s raining now and thank goodness but it pays for all of us to be prepared for the next fire because with climate change it is surely coming our way. More and more people are having greater incidents with asthma and while acupuncture can help air purifiers can have a daily benefit. On the down side air purifiers can be costly. I like Austin Air. If you are looking around check out California Air Resource Board here for a list of approved air purifiers.
Sadly, not everyone has $400 + to purchase a good brand. The super ingenious scientist at University Michigan have come up with a low cost but super efficient home filter. For roughly $25-$30 you can have a home filter that can clear 90% of the particulate matter in your home. It consists of a box fan and a 13 or higher grade filter. Easy, convenient, smart. Check it out!
Bethany Richardson is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist, and the founder of Enliven Health and Wellness in San Antonio, TX.